Davao - Engines & Mechanical

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Davao was last updated 7 months ago.

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  1. February 19, 2024 at 5:36 AM
    andaas says:

    Checking out of Davao, we anchored outside Santa Ana Wharf and notified the local Port Authority (office on the wharf). First, go to the Bureau of Quarantine where you will get a quarantine clearance for outgoing vessels. Then go to immigration to check out. They will give you the immigration port clearance. Then take everything to the Bureau of customs where they will need all documents above to issue you the final clearance to leave. Everything went smooth and took half a day.

  2. November 23, 2019 at 9:54 PM
    jpbeer says:

    The information regarding Ocean View Marina in Davao is not up to date. Here is the situation now:

    1. There is now only one pontoon available for cruising boats. The western pontoon has been closed down to accommodate fish cages and the owner’s boats.

    2. The van service has become quite unreliable lately due to the fact that it is used more and more by the condotel next door built by the same owner.

    3. Their website has been taken down, so don’t bother looking for it.

    4. If you really really want to stop at the Ocean View Marina, don’t use the numbers listed above. Send an email to holidaygroup.oceanviewmarina@gmail.com Subject: attention Ma’am Ruth.

    5. We have been told very recently that the yard will not do haul-outs anymore. Boats still accepted, but only in the water.