Krabi - Update History

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  • February 2024: Krabi Marina details updated with feedback from management and Anthony Swanston.
  • February 2023:  Note on fire at Krabi Marina from Anthony Swanston.
  • January 2023:  Docking updated with feedback from SV Wild Fox who visited.
  • December 2022: Docking updated with feedback from SV Wild Fox who visited.
  • October 2022: Clearance updated with info. from Bob Mott.
  • June 2019: Krabi Boat Lagoon information updated.
  • February 2019: Customs, Length of Stay information expanded and updated.
  • January 2019: Immigration updated concerning flying out of the country.
  • December 2018: Requirement for domestic clearance between provinces added following reports from cruisers. In practice, this rule is rarely enforced.
  • June 2017: Formalities updated. Links and Facts checked.
  • March 2017: Thailand Events updated by Bob Mott, SE Asia Regional Editor.
  • March 2017: Restrictions updated with anchoring ban in the Gulf of Thailand, info. from Gulf Charters, and free visa fees info. removed as now expired.
  • December 2016: Visa fees updated following “free” offer posted from Bangkok – valid until the end of Feb. 2017.
  • July 2016: Formailites checked.
  • March 2016: Immigration visa and bond information updated by SV Wild Fox.
  • July 2015: Publications checked.
  • March 2015: Fees update from Bruce Balan of SV Migration.
  • July 2014: Further update to new Customs rules from John & Diana Rowley.
  • April 2014: Update regarding new customs rules for yachts and update to links in Immigration.
  • February 2014: Update Clearance & Customs re new/old rules on length of stay from a report in Phuket Gazette.
  • May 2013: Customs rules update from Bec of SY Infinity V.

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Krabi was last updated 9 months ago.

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