Saint Lucia yacht murder: Roger Pratt’s killers ’caused brain damage with their fists’

Retired British businessman knocked unconscious and left to drown after robbers attacked boat in Vieux Fort. Report by The Telegraph.

Published 11 years ago, updated 6 years ago

The killers of a British yachtsman murdered in St Lucia beat him with their fists until he suffered brain damage before leaving him to drown, a pathologist said today.

Roger Pratt, 62, died defending his wife from three robbers who attacked their boat as it lay moored off the Caribbean island last Friday.

Dr Stephen King, who examined the body, told The Telegraph that the retired businessman had been beaten unconscious before he drowned in the southern port of Vieux Fort.

“There was blunt trauma and there was brain damage,” Dr King said. “The wounds didn’t look like clubs or pieces of metal, they were more in keeping with fists.”

Five men have been arrested so far in connection with the murder. Dr King said that the detectives would examine their knuckles for any signs of injuries from inflicting the beating.

Read the rest of this report at

Previous reports:

TV Interview with Margaret Pratt, wife of murdered British yachtsman

Saint Lucia, Vieux Fort: British Skipper dies in Armed Robbery

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  1. March 13, 2020 at 8:57 AM
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    sue-richards says:

    As reported on CSSN:
    Six+ years after the murder of cruiser Roger Pratt while anchored aboard his yacht with his wife Margaret (injured during the tragic event) in Vieux Fort, St. Lucia, the 4 men charged with the crime have been brought to trial and convicted. Three of the four men (Deveaux, Jones, Kern), were convicted of murder, and the 4th, (Joseph) of manslaughter. Sentencing is scheduled for April 6, 2020.