Setting Sail: When is the best time to Sail Away?

yacht with spinnaker flying sailing towards the camera with the rest of the fleet behind as they leave the island of bora bora in french polynesiaIn this article in Yachting World Magazine, Jeremy Wyatt, Communications Director for World Cruising Club (WCC), passes on his thoughts and experience on some of the most common ‘X’ factors to consider when planning for the best time to go cruising.

He spends much of his time chatting with aspiring bluewater cruisers at boat shows and the seminars WCC organises, about all aspects of ‘living the dream’. Some have a well thought out plan, and start the conversation with: “We’ll be going in three years”.

The harder conversations often begin with “As soon as X is sorted, we’ll be off.” In mathematics, ‘X’ is a variable, sometimes unknown. It’s particularly apt when thinking about the best time to head off cruising, as the factors influencing your decision will vary depending on many variables.

Read more at:

Yachting World:  Practical Cruising – When is the Best Time to Sail Away?

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