Wreck Bay Thieves

Published 16 years ago, updated 6 years ago

Just a heads up to other cruisers coming to Wreck Bay, San Cristobal:

I was paddling back (on my surfboard) from a surf near the anchorage when I saw 2 local teenagers circle our cat with a rental type plastic canoe. At first, I thought nothing of it, after circling it twice and looking through the portholes one of them boarded the boat and went inside (I had left the boat “open”). By now I was close and started shouting. The one on the canoe saw me, shouted at his mate who ran back outside, jumped into the canoe and paddled away furiously.

I was lucky, nothing was stolen. I think they watch the cruisers go ashore on the aqua taxi, then they go on your boat to steal. Just be aware of this.



sy shimmi



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