Update on Vietnam

Published 15 years ago, updated 6 years ago

I got my visa at the Vietnamese embassy in Manilla without a problem. I did not need to get a cruising permit in advance.

Six days later, I arrived in Nha Trang at a mooring area called “villa Bao Daï”. Contacted “falcon ship in Nha Trang” by mail in advance to act as agents. Two friendly agents came on board to help with formalities: fees for visa = 450 US$.

Immigration insists yachts anchor in front of their window, not a comfortable spot. So I obtained permission, with difficulty, to anchor instead downwind from Vinland, the “Disney style” island on the other side.

You are almost forced to rent a fisherman boat to go ashore at 10 US$/trip. When I was away 3 days to visit Ho Chi Minh, I had to hire a mandatory night watchman at 30 US$/night.

You have to ask Immigration for a special form to go get fuel at the gas station … without which you risk very heavy fines, up to confiscation of your boat.

Fuel and water available. You can buy nylon docking line by the kilo at the public market. No traces of the Australian Sunsail base that was here 2 years ago.

To cruise the immediate area, you need to give them a detailed plan of where you will be sailing during that day at the opening of the office and you have to be back before the closing time of that office.

It seems that harbour dues are due in each port of entry you visit. Ports are very busy with small fishing boats used for tourism (no docking space) and the bays are busy with boat traffic of all kinds.

The trip from Nha Trang to Singapore is with the wind aft of the beam in heavy boat traffic

I am now in Sebana Cove (Malaysia).

I heard that every 2 years they have a Hong Kong – Nha Trang race limited to just a few boats (5?) with similar formalities.

My personal experience is that Vietnam is great to visit by land or if you arrive by cruise ship but by small yacht, it is more like in Cuba – administration-wise!

Information reported in the press by a US boat 2-3 years ago is still valid, no changes.

Nicolas Trinh

s/y “nez rouge” (edited and translated by Luc on s/v Sloepmouche)

Subject: Manilla to nhatrang and to Sebana Cove


yacht “nez rouge” part de manille le 19 mars 2009 (avec visa perso pris à Manille,sans cruising permit pour le vietnam:ambassade manille :ok)) arrive le 25 mars à Nha Trang,mouillage”villa Bao Daï”.contacte par mail “falcon ship à Nha trang”; 2 agents sympathiques viennent à bord:fees pour visa:450 US$ formalités assitées par les agents auprés des autorités de l’immigration qui demandent de prendre un mouillage devant leurs fenetres. Suite mouillage assigné avec vent portant à la côte:autorisation difficile à obtenir de changer pour un mouillage plus abrité sous le vent de vinland l’ile “style disney” en face. location pêcheur plus barque quasi obligatoire pour aller à terre:10 US$ par trajet, absent pour visite ho chi minh 3 jours:gardien obligatoire:30 US demander à l’immigration un formulaire spécial pour aller chercher 2 bidons de fuel à la station service:sinon risque de sanctions lourdes pouvant aller jusqu’à la saisie du bateau. Pour faire une croisiere dans la région les autorités demandent de déposer un plan quotidien à l’ouverture des bureaux pour être de retour à la fermetture. Il semble que les droits de ports soient dus à chaque fois dans un port d’entrée. Le trajet de Nha trang à Singapour est au portant au milieu d’une circulation intense. Atrrivée à Sebana Cove (Malaisie)le 17 avril. Une “course Hong Kong Nha Trang” semble avoir lieu tous les 2 ans avec un nombre restreint de bateaux(5?)soumis aux mêmes formalités.

Jean Nicolas Trinh

s/y “nez rouge”

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