Saint Lucia, Rodney Bay, Gros Islet: Outboard & Dinghy Theft – December 2017

Daylight dinghy theft.

Published 7 years ago, updated 5 years ago

As reported by CSSN.

DATE: 2017-12-23 14:30

Country Name: St. Lucia

Location Detail: Rodney Bay Gros Islet

EVENT: Theft


Stolen Items: dinghy and outboard

SECURED: Not Locked


A yacht anchored approximately 100 meters off Gros Islet, Rodney Bay, St. Lucia, had the dinghy tied alongside during daylight hours. Two offenders, believed to be aged 6 and 10, swam from Gros Islet out to the boat where they untied the painter from the dinghy. They then swam back ashore with the dinghy and went up into the creek. When the victim noticed the theft he alerted other cruisers via VHF and was taken in another yachts dinghy around the area to look for the stolen dinghy. In the creek locals said they saw two young people swimming up the creek with the dinghy. The dinghy was located further into the creek. The outboard had its lock smashed off and it had been removed from the dinghy. Both the dinghy and outboard were recovered. A police report is believed to have been made by the victim. It is understood the witnesses were able to name the offenders involved.

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