Madagascar, Mahajanga: Armed Robbery – October 2016

On 30th October 2016, s/v Eutikia was anchored at 15 43.924 S 46 18.562E with 3 other yachts who moved on during the day leaving Eutikia alone in the evening. This report details the attack and robbery that they suffeered.

Published 8 years ago, updated 5 years ago

Our thanks to SV Camomile who received this report from Italian yacht Eutikia and translated it for noonsite.

Armed robbery at port Mahajanga anchorage, Madagascar NW coast.

On 30th October 2016, s/v Eutikia was anchored at 15 43.924 S 46 18.562E with 3 other yachts who moved on during the day leaving Eutikia alone in the evening.

We had checked out on the 28th and had the Harbour Master’s permission to leave after we had refuelled and provisioned for the passage to South Africa – which we were planning to start on the 31st October.

At 01.00 o’clock in the morning and a dark moon, 3 criminals armed with knives boarded our yacht from a canoe.  The men put knives to our throats and forced us inside the boat.  They then stole our money, cameras, video cameras, cell phones, PC, many personal items and much more.

Not our lives, thank God, but following this vicious attack, we hired two security guards (at 10 euros).

On Monday 31st I purchased a new PC (for navigation and weather forecasts) and informed the local Police. I also informed the Italian Ministero Esteri, Unità di crisi, at the Italian Embassy in Pretoria SA and the French Embassy at Antanarivo. I also sent press info. to the most important newspapers of Antanarivo and to the Madagascar Tourist Office.

At 12.00 we ran away.

Giovanni & Marina Testa

Sv Eutikia

Amel ketch 53

(Editor’s Note: 5 nights later the same boat had their outboard motor stolen in Bazaruto, Mozambique).

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  1. January 31, 2020 at 10:52 AM
    eutikia says:

    To all,
    I suggest to see this video from 19 min.: Bazaruto anchorage.
    We are at Bazaruto beach ( 7/11/2016) and the fisherman with red shirt is the village boss and the thief.
    We were at our anchorage when they indicated us a new position. No problem, we changed our anchorage .
    Any way, it was difficult to trust them ( they were well looking at our deck) and, over all, the very unfriendly boss. So when we had, after a while, the visit of a rangers boat ( two uniform of them on board and. we payed a modest Park fee) I asked them if the anchorage was safe. “ No problem, Sir, my family lives here at village on the shore”
    We went ashore for a short walk with some gifts (colored pens, books ecc) for children.
    Before sunset we hauled out the tender and we fixed it on right side (the outboard with little chain). The day after, at dawn, the outboard was disappeared. We sailed away immediately.
    I hope this experience may help…over all, don’t stay alone for more one night anchorage.
    Giovanni Testa