Honduras, Roatan: Crew Assaulted in Early Morning Attack

A yacht that was the only one anchored at the time in Coxen Hole, Roatan, was boarded in an early morning attack and the crew were tied up and assaulted by two masked and armed men.

Published 2 years ago

Source:  CSSN

DATE:  2023-04-18 02:30

LOCATION:    Honduras – Roatan – Coxen Hole

EVENT:  Assault


STOLEN ITEMS: Cash, backpack, cellphone

SECURED: Not Locked


A yacht anchored alone in Coxen Hole. On the second night at 0230HRS two masked and armed men boarded through the lit cockpit/open companionway.

They proceeded to tie the crew at gunpoint with braided shoelaces they had brought with them and covered their victim’s face with a t-shirt.

They ransacked the forward cabin briefly and took cash, a phone and a backpack they had emptied. The boarders spoke a non-Spanish local language and were onboard for only 3-5 minutes before leaving the scene with their accomplices in a panga. The crew was not injured.

A police report was made. Authorities showed little interest, no forensics were collected.

The yacht departed later the same day.

CSSN NOTE:  If you are a victim, please take five minutes to complete the CSSN online incident report, it’s quick, confidential and keeps our cruising community fully and factually  informed.

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