Dominican Republic, Samana: Attempted Theft – June 2016

Published 8 years ago, updated 5 years ago

As reported by the Caribbean Security & Safety Net.

DATE: 2016-06-25

Country Name: Dominican Republic

Location Detail: Samana

EVENT: Attempted theft

Stolen Items: None



A cruiser was awakened during the night by the sound of a small boat bumping against the hull. He yelled out then grabbed a spotlight and went on deck to investigate.

The dinghy was on davits and locked to the yacht, but now had an empty canoe tied to its bow. The boat and surrounding area were searched with lights, no one was found, and nothing was missing.

The following morning the Navy stopped by to retrieve the canoe and inform the cruiser that they had picked up a soaking wet man onshore the previous night. Apparently, the thief was looking for an outboard/dinghy to steal and he was interrupted, and jumped into the water and swam to shore rather than risk a confrontation.

A report was made to the Port Captain.

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