Colombia, Cienaga de Cholon: Attempted dinghy theft – July 2013

Published 11 years ago, updated 5 years ago

On the 21 of July 2013 at midnight we were anchored in the bay of Cienaga de Cholon. It was very peaceful. Our dinghy was not lifted but locked alongside our yacht.

My wife was watching a TV-series on the DVD when suddenly she saw a hand through the window trying to loosen the rope tied to the dinghy. She quickly ran out and shouted.

The man, of middle age, had disconnected the rope but wasn’t aware of the locked chain that held the dinghy. When we reacted with shouting he paddled off in his small canoe.

Advice: Always lift your dinghy and lock it – even in the most peaceful waters.

Thieves – unfortunately – exists everywhere.

Björn Vahlberg

SY Gaija (Sweden)

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