Cambodia:Clearing In and Out at Khao Kong

Simple clearance procedures for Cambodia makes it an attractive extension to a visit to Thailand.

Published 11 years ago, updated 6 years ago

We have just cleared into Cambodia at Khao Kong town. (12-12-13)  We have now up to date information about the clearing in and clearing out procedures.

We are at anchor off the delightful Cafe Laurent (owned by ex sailors who are happy to let you use their dock) in 8m about 500m below the bridge.

When you arrive at Khao Kong you take your clearance papers including your crew list etc. to the one and only agent, the KAMSAB agency, at the Asian Hotel (opposite the café).

You need your clearance papers later for Customs at the border to get an inbound stamp. This agent then calls the Immigration office at the border to announce your arrival. Immigration insist you use this agent.

Then you rent a motorbike (5 US $ a day) or take a tuk-tuk and go to the Customs and Immigration offices at the border across the toll bridge (15 minutes).

Photo of Cafe Laurent – © Maremagna

There, Immigration stamps your passport (it is smart to have an e-visa ready, 2 copies) and fingerprints you digitally. Customs merely stamped our clearance paper from Thailand with an inbound stamp.

Then you return the (stamped) clearance paper to the agent.

If you know your departure date the agent gives you the clearance papers for that date and you pay him his fee which is US$ 100

If you don’t know your departure date you have to come back to Khao Kong before you leave and you pay him then to get your clearance.

We are very happy with Noonsite and hope to help others with this info.


Karin and Tony Stubbs.

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