Panama: Canal Authority Confirms New Fees from 2023

The Panama Canal Authority has confirmed its new toll structure, which will come into force on January 1, 2023 which provides a simplified, value-based pricing structure and reduces the number of tariffs from 430 to fewer than 60.

Published 2 years ago

“The new toll structure is consistent with the value provided by the Canal transit service while providing greater visibility and predictability to customers,” said Panama Canal Administrator Ricaurte Vásquez Morales.

The tolls proposal was first issued on April 1st, 2022 and went through a formal consultation period during which 17 interested parties submitted their comments or opinions in writing.  A public hearing was held in Panama on May 20, 2022, with the participation of seven parties, representing local and international customers.

During this process, customers recognized the Canal’s efforts, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic and welcomed the simplification of tolls.

The new fees, along with the current charges are detailed below.

Transit Tolls for Small Craft (until December 31, 2022)
  • Less than 19.812m (65ft): $1,600
  • 19.812m-24.384m (65-80ft): $2,400
  • 24.384m-30.480m (80-100ft): $3,500
  • More than 30.480m (100ft): $4,100
Transit Tolls for Small Craft  (from January 1, 2023)
  • Less than 19.812m (65ft): $1,760
  • 19.812m-24.384m (65-80ft): $2,640
  • 24.384m-30.480m (80-100ft): $3,850
  • More than 30.480m (100ft): $5,000
Transit Tolls for Small Craft  (from January 1, 2024)
  • Less than 19.812m (65ft): $1,935
  • 19.812m-24.384m (65-80ft): $2,905
  • 24.384m-30.480m (80-100ft): $4,235
  • More than 30.480m (100ft): $5,500
Transit Tolls for Small Craft  (from January 1, 2025)
  • Less than 19.812m (65ft): $2,130
  • 19.812m-24.384m (65-80ft): $3,200
  • 24.384m-30.480m (80-100ft): $4,660
  • More than 30.480m (100ft): $6,000


Related News:

Panama Canal:  Proposal to modify Toll Structure and Measurement Regulations (Noonsite)

Panama Canal Authority Proposes Simplified Tolls Structure (Sea Trade Maritime News)

Related Links:

Panama Canal Authority website

Panama Canal’s Simplified Tolls

Panama Canal:  Transit Information


Noonsite has not independently verified this information.

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