Indian Ocean: Stricken yacht in piracy area receives naval assistance

Transiting the piracy High-Risk Area in the Gulf of Aden and having exhausted their fuel and running low on food supplies, Benyleo 2, with a family of four on board, were given vital assistance by a ship of the Pakistan Navy.

Published 6 years ago

From Dunya News, 2 May 2018

A Pakistan Navy Ship, Alamgir, an Oliver Hazard Perry Class Frigate, while on Counter Piracy mission under Task Force-151, provided logistic assistance to sy Benyleo 2, which was in dire need of fuel, in an area about 180 NM North East of Somalia. SY Benyleo 2 is owned by Mr Joao Armindo Furtado of the Azores and is currently on around the world sailing trip with his wife Joana Amen and two children aged 8 and 5 years. It is the first family from the Azores to embark on around the world sailing expedition.

Benyleo 2 left the Port of Galle, Sri Lanka for Eritrea with the necessary logistics. However, due to unexpected adverse weather, the expedition exhausted its entire stock of fuel. The Yacht was out of fuel and was transiting with slow speed through the Piracy Risk area. The logistic supplies onboard Yacht were also short.

PNS Alamgir not only provided fuel but also provided food supplies to the family. The Portuguese family was very thankful to Pakistan and the Pakistan Navy for providing timely and generous assistance, which enabled the family to sail safely in piracy affected area.

Pakistan Navy Ships actively participate in Task Force-150 and Task Force 151, which are mandated to conduct Maritime Security Operations and Anti-Piracy respectively. Assistance to Benyleo 2 is another manifestation of the Pakistan Navy’s strong history of providing Humanitarian Assistance at high seas and is in line with finest traditions of Pakistan Navy.

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