UKMTO (UK Maritime Trade Organization) (RN) Dubai
Business Contact Info
United Kingdom
Contact Details:
Phone: (+44) 4402392222060
Alternative Phone: (+971) 971505523215
Fax: (+971) 971043094254
Email: [email protected]

UKMTO Dubai coordinates the management of all merchant ship and yachts in the GOA area and northern Indian Ocean. They also administer the Voluntary Reporting Scheme. When transiting the HRA/VRA or on passage in the North Indian Ocean, send an ‘Initial Report’ to UKMTO, provide daily position updates at 0800 UTC and issue a ‘Final Report’ when exiting the HRA/VRA/completing your passage. Copies of these reports can be found at the web link. Positions are preferred by email but alternatively by telephone. In the event of a pirate attack, call the above number.

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