Cruising Resources: Links to Travel Advice

Research what vaccinations are required for the country you are visiting and any health endemics, epidemics or pandemics you should be aware of through the CDC website [].

If you are over 60 or have other health issues that make having a yellow fever vaccination unadvisable, then obtaining a “Certificate of Medical Contraindication to Vaccination” form is a useful precaution when planning to visit a country where a yellow fever certificate is required.

Certain other categories of people are also usually exempt from the vaccination requirement, such as infants under the age of one, pregnant women, and anyone allergic to eggs.

Some countries will want to see crew international vaccination records.

Have copies of personal medical insurance for all crew and any medical evacuation coverage.

Record the names and contact details of who you should notify for all crew in case of a serious medical emergency.

All crew should carry a list of any medication taken. A prescription or a letter from a doctor specifying the medicine, and why it is taken, should accompany any medicines containing powerful narcotics or habit-forming drugs, especially those used by a member of the crew on a regular basis, such as heart and blood pressure medication, diuretics, tranquillisers, anti-depressants, stimulants or sleeping tablets.

When cruising you may well be dealing with doctors who know nothing of you, or your crew’s, medical history. Be sure to have basic medical records for everyone aboard your boat, renew them annually and keep them with your grab bag. Make a summary to include: Full Legal Name, Date of Birth, quick summary of known medical issues, allergies and adverse reactions (particularly food, medicines, bites/stings), chronic medical conditions, prescriptions and medications regularly taken including dose, surgical history, important family medical history, contact information of regular doctors, name of family member or friend who can make medical decisions if you are unable to.

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